Forget Your Gut

Things are getting very wild on Wall Street.

And our team has some unusual advice for profiting from what’s ahead:

Ignore your gut instincts.

I’ll explain exactly what that means in a moment… along with how to apply it to your portfolio.

But first, let’s review our Top Stories and see what’s new in the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “This Stock’s Grounded!'' (Daily Reckoning, Jim Rickards): Boeing Co. (BA) 737s have been grounded after a terrifying mid-flight incident… marking the second time in five years that the company’s planes have been forced to stay on tarmacs. Jim dives into the manufacturer’s fall from grace, then walks you through what will happen next. If you’re holding shares of BA — or thinking of buying it on the dips — you don’t want to miss Jim’s analysis.
  • “Paradigm at CES 2024” (Matt Insley, Bob Byrne, Zach Scheidt and Ari Goldschmidt): If you haven’t personally felt the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) yet, you will. In fact, the next wave of profits will come as companies scramble to incorporate the technology into everyday goods and services. That’s why we sent a team to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) — to witness these innovations firsthand. Even better, they shared their impressions in real-time on a purpose-built website. Visit the site to find a video with key takeaways.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at

The Reader Forum:

Last week we heard from Cynthia N., one of a handful of subscribers who were upset about the political content in our videos and stories.

Our response received even more positive feedback, like this email from Sandy W.:

Hooray for your reply to Cynthia N. She should be glad to hear y’all’s take.

Sandy, thanks for taking the time to chime in. We don’t mind when members disagree with our research. In fact, we encourage pushback. Polite debate is a key part of learning and growing.

But we also like to hear from people who think we’re on the right track. So no matter what your opinion is, please continue to let us know!

Next up, veteran James Altucher’s Early Stage Crypto member Lawrence W. wants new members to know:

I have been a James acolyte since the beginning of this service. I’ve gone from crypto kindergarten to graduate school thanks to this service in less than three years. Enjoy the ride and the education.

I really appreciate this timely message, Lawrence. The crypto markets are finally showing signs of life, so it’s important for people to hear this.

Thanks for passing it along — not to mention your loyalty to James’ program.

We’re confident your patience will pay off thanks to the incoming wave of crypto profits. In the meantime, I look forward to sharing this with James and his team!

Finally for today, while we’re encouraged by the compliments we receive, I’m also happy to clear up any misconceptions you may have.

For example, Henry M. tells us:

I wish you did not sell my email address, name etc. That was the reason I left some services.

Thanks for writing in, Henry. But we don’t sell your personal information to anyone, for any price. Your name, email address and more stays entirely in-house.

It’s true you may see an uptick in emails when you sign up for one of our services.

That’s because every membership includes several free e-letters, like Daily Reckoning, Altucher Confidential or Paradigm Pressroom’s 5 Bullets. And we send emails to introduce you to other members of our team and their services.

We also pass along messages from our partners that we think you’ll be interested in. These emails are clearly labeled. But we’re responsible for sending them — meaning your information stays in our database, under our control.

If it ever starts to seem overwhelming, you can unsubscribe from any of our emails with a single click. Even then, your data never falls into third-party hands.

I hope that helps!

And that wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And remember, for customer service issues, use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

Consumers are deeply in debt… savings are dwindling… bankruptcies are rising…

Yet the mood on Wall Street remains optimistic.

“The S&P 500 is still well above its 50- and 200-day moving averages,” writes our Zach Scheidt, “which means we are still in a good spot.”

No, it doesn’t make sense.

As Sean Ring puts it, “I’ve never seen a bigger disconnect between the real economy and what’s going on in the stock market.”

But our team agrees there’s only one thing to do…

Embrace it.

“It’s just a waste to think about the real economy right now,” Sean says. And with Wall Street so bullish, “it’s ludicrous to short the market.”

Hearing that probably isn’t easy — especially if you think the United States and its economy are on a destructive path.

“Do you want to be right?” asks our trading specialist, Alan Knuckman. “Or do you want to make money?”

Sean agrees. “Trading is the act of becoming inhuman,” he says.

In other words, you need to turn off your emotions. Don’t fall victim to the fear.

Instead, go along with the trend — profiting from the bull for as long as it lasts.

Our team will let you know when Wall Street starts showing signs of worry.

That will be your signal to set up bearish trades.

Stay tuned!

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