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Biden’s IRS Is Watching You

The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of government officials held in a large villa located near a lake in a western suburb of Berlin. The attendees included representatives of various government agencies involved with military affairs, the Ministry of Justice, transportation, logistics, foreign affairs, and the office of the Chancellor. They were trying to solve certain operational problems caused by bottlenecks in existing processes.

By gathering officials from many agencies with different perspectives, it was believed that they could cooperate to resolve the issues without finger pointing. It was an example of what today is called an “all of government” approach. The conference was a success, the bottlenecks were resolved, and operations went much more smoothly from the time of the meeting.

I left a few details out of the foregoing paragraph. Here they are: The meeting took place on January 20, 1942. The German Chancellor at the time was Adolf Hitler, referred to as the Führer. The attendees included SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, who reported directly to Heinrich Himmler. The recording secretary of the meeting was Adolf Eichmann, who was also a transportation director.

The problem they were trying to solve was how to kill Jews more efficiently. The solutions included the expansion of the Auschwitz II death camp, which received freight trains of Jews from 1942 to 1944. Over 1.1 million were murdered there, mostly in gas chambers. The trains ran on time. The all of government approach worked.

Biden’s “All of Government” Directive

The leading practitioners of the “all of government” approach today are members of the Biden administration. When they take steps to destroy the United States through open borders, fentanyl importation, allowing terrorist infiltrations, targeting political enemies, and trying to put election opponents in jail, they do not stop at the use of a single government department or agency that might have primary jurisdiction. They create an interagency task force involving five of six agencies that share information, contribute ideas, and coordinate activities intended to destroy their enemies.

For example, they might begin by using bank regulators to conduct a routine bank audit that targets loan applications by Donald Trump’s companies. They find a document that gives a certain valuation for a particular property being used as collateral for a loan. That document is passed to a state official such as New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who obtains a phony appraisal suggesting the value of the property is less that what is shown on the loan application. Tax officials are enlisted to produce tax returns that show even different valuations.

From there, a fraud case in concocted and brought before a Trump-hating judge in the Bronx. The result is a liability of over $550 million against Trump’s businesses, even though the loan was paid on time and in full and the lending bank testified they would make the loan again and performed their own due diligence on the valuation issue. No matter. Bank regulators, tax officials, the Attorney General’s office and a corrupt judge worked together to try to bankrupt Trump. That’s the power of the all of government method. You coordinate across agencies to destroy your political enemies.

There are many other examples. Prosecutors in the RICO criminal case in Georgia that accuses Trump of interfering with the 2020 election spent enormous amounts of time in Washington and at the White House meeting with Biden administration officials to plan their case. The prosecutor in the New York hush money case was transferred from the Department of Justice to the Manhattan DA’s office expressly to handle the trial. (No one thought the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, was actually smart enough to conduct a trial of charges this convoluted).

Sometimes all of government is expanded to include agents outside the government. A good example is the pre-dawn arrest of political advisor Roger Stone at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 25, 2019. The FBI attacked his house with armored vehicles, automatic weapons and flash bombs. It was all for show.

In fact, Stone appeared at the door unarmed and in his pajamas. Still, the FBI tipped off CNN so they could film the entire episode with special night vision cameras. Stone was convicted on made-up charges and then pardoned by President Trump. The coordination between a corrupt FBI and the left-wing CNN shows how the all of government approach can be leveraged through corporate media and social media.

The IRS Joins the Team

The latest agency to be enlisted in Biden’s all of government war on political enemies is the IRS. Of course, the IRS has a long history of being involved with political targeting of enemies and the leaking of confidential taxpayer information. The latest expansion of their powers feeds directly into the all of government technique.

The IRS is now being weaponized to coordinate with the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies to attack Biden’s opponents. Under new authorities, armed IRS special agents may be assigned to temporary duty with Drug Enforcement Task Forces, the FBI, the intelligence community, and the Financial Crimes Task Force among others. This is the true all of government approach.

We’ve watched the weaponization of the U.S. dollar in the form of sanctions on Russia and others in connection with the war in Ukraine. That has backfired and is leading to a de-dollarization movement that may end in a much weaker dollar and much higher inflation down the road.

We’ve also seen the weaponization of the U.S. justice system that has led to relentless and unfounded prosecutions of presidential candidate Donald Trump from the Russia Hoax, two phony impeachments, a half-billion dollar liability for a harmless valuation dispute on a loan application (the loan was repaid on time and in full), a made-up RICO case in Georgia where the prosecutor may be disqualified for misconduct, a “hush money” case in New York where even left-leaning experts can’t tell you what the crime is, a classified documents case in Florida which may be dismissed due to prosecution tampering with the evidence, and finally a January 6th case in Washington, which is on hold pending a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

This kind of weaponization (taking legitimate government functions and turning them into tools to destroy political enemies) began with the Obama administration and its hyper-political Attorney General Eric Holder and has now infected all branches of government under the Biden administration.

A Knock on Your Door

As a result, the latest update of the IRS Internal Review Manual expands the scope of IRS investigation and audit activity to include anyone who impedes the government’s “ability to govern” or who poses a “threat to public safety or national security.”

Such phrases sound benign when applied to foreign terrorists or criminal masterminds. Then you realize they can just as easily be applied to political opponents, Trump supporters, podcasters, opinion writers, political organizers or everyday Americans who stand in the way of Biden’s neo-fascist ambitions.

The IRS can use threats of audits and investigations to intimidate social media platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram into shutting down MAGA Republicans and others who oppose Biden policies.

The IRS manual changes also authorize the agency to “disclose in writing, return information … which may constitute evidence of a violation of federal criminal laws to the extent necessary to apprise the head of the appropriate federal agency charged with responsibility for enforcing such laws.” In other words, the IRS can leak taxpayer information to the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security or other agencies with enforcement power in order to sic those agencies on targeted victims.

This happens in a context where simple political opposition has been criminalized, giving the IRS carte blanche to choose their victims. If you are outspoken against the Biden administration, keep your tax records handy and get ready for a knock on the door.

There’s only one way to end this all of government targeting of Biden’s enemies. That’s to end his government once and for all in the next election.

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