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Inner Circle Elite: Going Wild in the Metaverse

Every technological revolution has two phases, the hype cycle and the build cycle.

The dot com bubble was the hype cycle for the internet. Internet stocks rocketed to record highs before losing momentum and coming back down to earth.

Then the build cycle happened and we had companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google take over the internet.

Over the past few years, we’ve had the hype cycle for the metaverse.

Metaverse-based cryptocurrencies exploded in value in 2020/2021 before crashing back down to earth. Facebook famously rebranded as Meta during that time.

Now it seems we’ve reached the build cycle.

This month Apple released the Vision Pro, the best Virtual Reality device on the market.

Later this year Google, Samsung, Sony, and others are expected to also release new virtual reality devices that will try to match – or beat – the Vision Pro’s capabilities.

Devices are just one piece of the puzzle.

In order for the metaverse to be successful, it will need some amazing content that draws in users.

One metaverse project has me especially excited…

A Mega-Platform of Tomorrow

Wilder World is a decentralized online gaming platform and universe.

Wilder World’s first application is an online car racing platform.

Eventually, Wilder will expand to include a whole city with missions and battles similar to the popular game Grand Theft Auto. 

However, that’s where the similarities end.

Everything within the Wilder universe will be an NFT, including the cars, the clothes, the real estate, and more.

Wilder will be 13 times larger than Grand Theft Auto and users will need to use Wilder’s cryptocurrency to buy gas to travel around the world and compete in races.

Of course, there will be a gambling element as well.

Users will be able to bet on races and receive cash prizes for winning races.

While there are many metaverse platforms incorporating NFTs, what makes me most excited about Wilder is that they are putting the gaming element front and center.

To that end, they’ve hired Dennis Crow to lead game production for the platform.

Before joining Wilder, Dennis had experience producing games for AAA game developers like Ubisoft, Warner Brothers, and Rockstar Games.

Although Wilder doesn’t have pockets quite as deep as a AAA game studio, they were able to raise a respectable $36 million in the last crypto bull run. 

Investors include some well-respected names in cryptocurrency investing including Animoca Brands, Anthony Pompliano, and Digital Currency Group.

If Dennis and the team use that funding responsibly, it should be plenty to bring their initial racing game to market.

The racing game is currently in testing to a select group of testers. Wilder also let testers play the game at an event for Art Basel in December in Miami.

I expect that some version of the racing game will be available to the public later this year.

Investors can benefit in a number of ways – the in-game currency ($WILD) is available for purchase on Uniswap and other exchanges. The company also minted NFTs over the past few years that are available for purchase on the Wilder marketplace and NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

A word of warning – at this time $WILD is not available for purchase on Coinbase. Buying $WILD or Wilder NFTs still requires some technical knowledge. Although you can find instructions to purchase the tokens or NFTs on Google or YouTube, if you’ve never done it before you should be prepared to be patient and careful to avoid getting scammed or losing your money.

For this reason, I’m not officially recommending Wilder. 

If you decide to invest in Wilder, there are plenty of risks, but from what I’ve seen of Wilder so far, I’m extremely excited.

If the Wilder team continues to deliver on their vision, I would not be surprised to see $WILD skyrocket as they launch a public version of the game and potentially become available for trading on Coinbase.

With the Apple Vision Pro and other high-end VR systems likely to become more commonplace, I expect that Wilder could have massive upside. 

We’re now moving from the hype phase of the metaverse into the build phase, and I expect we’ll see some awesome applications come to market that will be the mega-platforms of tomorrow. 

My team and I will continue to keep an eye on this space and let you know as soon as we find exciting and lucrative investment opportunities.

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