3 Shocks in 2025

The value of one of Wall Street’s hottest stocks will fall $1 trillion…

A surprise announcement from China will cause U.S. companies to lose billions of dollars…

And doctors will make organ transplant waiting lists a thing of the past…

Those are just three predictions our team is fleshing out as they head to Baltimore this week.

But I’m more interested in hearing how you think the next 12 months will play out!

I’ll explain after a look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “MicroStrategy vs. Bitcoin — Which One Should You Buy?” (The Million Mission, Davis Wilson): Bitcoin topped $100,000 last week, up 129% for the year. MicroStrategy Inc. (MSTR) owns a lot of Bitcoin… and its shares have soared 477% in 2024. So as part of his quest to turn $100,000 into $1 million, Davis considers which investment is set to continue rising. According to his “sum-of-the-parts” approach, the answer is crystal clear. In fact, he says one of these two assets looks primed for a fall… giving you a narrow window to avoid danger!
  • “The Voiceless Diplomats” (Morning Reckoning, Sean Ring): The United States seems to have forgotten what diplomacy is supposed to be about — which might explain our country’s waning influence around the globe. So Sean provides a timely lesson that Washington needs to hear. While Sean’s Rude Awakening take on Tucker Carlson’s second trip to Russia was our most liked free e-letter last week, this story makes it clear why Carlson’s visit matters. So I hope you don’t mind me overruling our members!
  • “A Change in Global Order of Military Superiority” (The Situation Report With Jim Rickards, Jim Rickards): During our in-house editorial meeting last week, Byron King shared his prediction that the United States would need to drastically increase military spending and production in 2025. Around the same time, Jim was telling his Situation Report members why. As Jim explains, a single weapon has completely changed the geopolitical status quo. And American technology is woefully behind. It’s a story I think every investor needs to hear, which is why I unlocked it for you.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And with the end of the year in sight, it’s time to start thinking about our Top Stories of 2024! Nominate your favorites of the past 12 months at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

First in the Forum today, Billy G. tells us:

I want to thank Chris [Campbell] for his November 27 updates for Altucher’s Early-Stage Crypto Investor and Paradigm Mastermind Group subscribers. Crypto’s weekly Zoom calls certainly help us stay up-to-date on the rapidly changing crypto world… The Mastermind updates are a little to spread out for my liking. His Friday update was super helpful. It makes subscribers feel heard and valued.

I know you sent this to the Paradigm Pressroom’s 5 Bullets team, Billy, and they forwarded it to Chris and me. But I couldn’t resist a chance to talk about all the great work Chris does for us.

As you probably know, Chris helps shepherd Altucher Confidential — spotlighting everything happening in the cryptocurrency markets day after day.

He also makes sure Early-Stage Crypto and Paradigm Mastermind members are getting the absolute best research and analysis. He’ll be very glad to hear your appreciation for his efforts.

Staying ahead of the crypto markets is practically a full-time job by itself, which is why Early-Stage Crypto members receive more frequent contact. But we’ll see if it makes sense to send Paradigm Mastermind Group updates more often!

Next, Tim S. tells a member of my customer service team:

Thank you for helping me to become involved and in joining the Omega Wealth Circle! I am so happy and grateful to be involved with this wonderful organization at Paradigm! I truly feel like I have a lifelong team of "coaches" to lead me with my investment decisions and its journey!! I absolutely recommend this service to anyone to help with their investment journey and decisions along the way.

Congratulations on joining our highest level of service, Tim — and thanks for the amazing compliment.

Our team is ready to navigate you through whatever the market throws your way… sharing a wide range of strategies for every possible scenario.

I hope you’ll keep in touch to tell us how your journey is going!

Finally for today, Dick N. asks Jim Rickards:

What is Paradigm’s policy on disclosure of front running or “eating your own cooking” or touting your own book?

I hope you don’t mind me fielding this one, Dick, since our rules are consistent across all of our services.

We have a zero tolerance policy on front-running recommendations. If one of our analysts already owns a position they recommend to their members, they must disclose it in their write-up.

And once it’s been recommended, the analyst cannot sell their personal position without telling readers to close their positions, too. Then there’s a grace period for members to act before the analyst can sell.

For some of our services, our analysts recommend a trade… then make the exact same trade in their portfolio. It’s fully disclosed that the analyst is eating their own cooking.

Once again, there’s a grace period for members to get in first. And, of course, the analyst still can’t sell until after telling members to sell first.

Keep in mind that this policy only applies to our lead analysts. The rest of the staff cannot act on our team’s recommendations until 24 hours after they are published.

In short, we make sure our members have the best chance to get in and out of the markets at the absolute best prices.

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory investment guides — covering everything from finding a broker to how to trade stock options — on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

Our entire team is heading to Baltimore this week to map out our predictions, strategies and goals for 2025.

I’ve heard a bit about what our analysts see ahead… and some of it is pretty shocking!

For example, Enrique Abeyta — our “Maverick” trading expert — foresees a big fall in one of Wall Street’s hottest stocks.

“At some point in 2025,” he tells us, “Nvidia Corp. (NVDA) loses $1 trillion of market cap.”

Dan Amoss, meanwhile, expects China to reveal that it’s sitting on a much larger pile of gold than it’s ever reported.

The announcement will help give China the power to sidestep Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs.

It will also make it very difficult for U.S. companies to turn a profit in the country — meaning the billions of dollars they’ve spent gaining a foothold in Chinese markets will disappear.

And then there’s Ray Blanco’s prediction.

With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the Department of Health and Human Services and Martin Makary at the Food and Drug Administration, the stage is set for a wave of innovative treatments.

So Ray declares that 2025 will be “the first year where you see a lab-grown heart transplanted into a human being.”

It will open a new era of health care, where sick people no longer need to wait months or years for a new heart!

We’ll get more details from the team at our Thursday meeting… and I’ll share what I’ve learned next week.

But our team also wants to hear your thoughts for what will happen in 2025!

Telling us the perils and opportunities you see over the next 12 months could help steer our research.

So please click here to share your 2025 prediction!

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