Scandals, Secrets, Scoundrels — And You!

The U.S. presidential election is still several months away…

But it’s already been marred by a string of scandals and abuses of power — the likes of which the country hasn’t seen since the days of Watergate.

That’s why our Jim Rickards will broadcast a special presentation from the Watergate Hotel itself on Thursday, May 30.

He’ll discuss Richard Nixon’s legacy… including the worst mistake of his presidency. (Hint: it wasn’t the break-ins.)

Then Jim will share his latest analysis on the current race for the White House, including how it will affect the markets.

These insights could be key to protecting your wealth during what are sure to be volatile months ahead.

So we’ll give them to you absolutely free — with zero strings attached…

Even better, today you have a chance to participate in the conversation.

I’ll explain more in a moment.

First, though, let’s look at our Top Stories and Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “Immaculate Acceleration” (Daily Reckoning, Brian Maher): The stock market continues to boom in the face of troubling economic headwinds. So Brian runs down the many miracles that must occur for things to continue living up to investors’ expectations. He also explains why Wall Street may suddenly lose faith. Omega Wealth Circle member Andrew J. nominated this one, telling Brian it has “insights that are either new to me or are not commonly discussed, and yet you do so with an expert tone that is never condescending or patronizing.”
  • “Silver, China… and Opium” (Rude Awakening, Sean Ring): On Western markets, silver is trading just below $30 an ounce. In Shanghai, it’s selling for a few dollars more. To understand why, you need to know a little Chinese history. Sean weaves together a tale of empires, colonialism, trade imbalances and drug cartels — explaining how they all continue to influence the precious metals markets to this day.
  • “Bitcoin Halving: Was it All Just Hype?” (Altucher Confidential, Chris Campbell): Bitcoin’s halving last month was supposed to kick off a major surge in cryptocurrencies. Instead, cryptos have largely been trading sideways. So were the experts wrong? Chris digs in with an honest assessment of the predictions… and a measured look at what will happen next. Readers made this one of our most-liked stories last week. And If you’re worried about your crypto portfolio, you shouldn’t miss what Chris has to say.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at

Speaking of which…

The Reader Forum:

First from the mailbag today, David F. has high praise for two of last week’s Top Articles, telling us:

I have found that I really enjoy the 5 Bullets and Jim's reports are very engaging. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the feedback, David! Our team puts out such incredible content each week that it’s often very hard to narrow it down to just three top stories. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed our most recent selections.

And remember, your voice counts, too! We value member nominations for our Top 3 above all else. So if you read something that strikes a chord with you, let us know at

We’ll even credit you for choosing the article, like we did with Andrew’s nomination this week!

I look forward to sharing this with the rest of the team.

Next, new Trading Desk member Richard A. used the live chat feature to tell Greg Guenther:

This is my fourth day with you. So pleased I converted to a lifetime membership!

I hope you’re reading this, Richard, because I want to thank you for your trust in us. And you’re in good hands, too. Greg has one of the best track records in the business, so I’m sure he will continue to provide you with valuable insights for many years to come.

Greg has already seen this, but I'll be sure to share it with everyone else at Paradigm as well.

And finally for today, Louie W. wants to know:

Jim Rickards’ recommended company to purchase physical gold.

I’m sure you’re not the only one wondering, Louie.

Jim tells anyone who will listen to allocate at least 10% of their portfolio to precious metals — especially actual bars and coins you can hold in your hands.

And there’s only one place we know of that offers everything a bullion investor needs, from asset selection to storage to a delivery option:

Hard Assets Alliance.

It’s Jim’s “#1 choice for investing in physical gold and silver.” He’s even put together a fact sheet to explain why.

Learn more — including how easy and inexpensive it is to get started — by clicking here.

(Keep in mind that our partnership with Hard Assets Alliance means we may be compensated if you open an account. But Jim wouldn’t recommend them if he didn’t honestly believe they offer the best way to trade and hold precious metals.)

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory investment guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

In June 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.

It set off a chain of events that eventually led to President Nixon’s resignation.

Even today, 52 years later, the name “Watergate” is still synonymous with political scandal.

But as Jim Rickards will tell you, the Nixon administration made an even bigger miscalculation… one that had nothing to do with covering up crimes.

This bad decision paved the way for the U.S. economy’s inevitable destruction. And it’s still set to erase the net worth of anyone who doesn’t understand the danger.

As you probably know, I’m talking about Nixon closing the “gold window”... effectively taking the United States (and the world) off the gold standard, planting the seeds for today’s currency wars.

Jim will explain more — including what it means to your wealth — during his “Scandals, Secrets and Scoundrels” broadcast on May 30.

And what better place to host it than the scene of the crime itself, the Watergate Hotel?

More importantly, Jim will take a close look at the current controversies in Washington — sharing his latest analysis of the current presidential race.

Who ends up occupying the White House will have a huge impact on your investments… so Jim will make sure you’re fully prepared for what lies ahead.

In fact, he wants to answer your questions — as well as hear any personal recollections of how the Watergate scandal affected you.

You can share them with us by clicking here.

Then be sure to tune into the broadcast on Thursday, May 30.

To be clear, this is an absolutely free event — no registration, email address or credit card required.

We won’t even ask you to buy anything.

Instead, we recognize how important this year’s election is… and how few media sources are giving it honest, dependable coverage.

But Jim doesn’t have an agenda to push or an ax to grind…

He just wants to tell you what’s really going on in Washington — ensuring you have the intel you need to make the best investment decisions.

And you can help make sure he covers whatever is top-of-mind for you.

Just click here to ask your questions and submit some memories.

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