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3 AI Apps To Change Your Life

Artificial intelligence isn’t just some up-and-coming technology. In a lot of ways, it’s already here.

In fact, there are currently several AI-powered apps that can actually make your life easier.

What’s more, AI apps allow you to instantly become an expert in everything.

In the days before the internet and ChatGPT, if you were put in a situation where you didn’t know something, the best you could do was make things up and hope no one would look into it.

But now, with minimal effort and AI tools like ChatGPT, you can sound like an expert in no time.

I mean, it's like magic!

You can be at a party, and someone will ask you about quantum physics, and you can just whip out your phone, ask ChatGPT, and suddenly you're spouting off about quantum entanglement and wave-particle duality like you're Einstein's handsome long-lost cousin.

And the best part is, no one will know you're secretly getting help from a computer. It's like having a cheat sheet for life.

Just don’t start downloading every app that promises AI features…

Skip the Middleman

Right now, AI is experiencing an absolute gold rush of interest and investment.

And as with every gold rush, the scammers are out in full force desperately trying to separate you from your hard-earned money.

I’d say 99% of the AI apps today are scams.

After all, scammers' wives need their pilates classes and their pets need weekly talk therapy. Those things aren’t free.

Even apps that are somewhat legit are running OpenAI’s ChatGPT under the hood… and passing on the costs to you.

So when it comes to AI apps, you get the best bang for your buck by cutting out the middleman and just going straight to the source.

Of course, there’s a whole world of ‘god-mode’ ChatGPT features that most people haven’t seen…

I’m talking about ChatGPT plugins.

Plug in to AI 

ChatGPT plugins extend the power of ChatGPT, allowing you to combine the superbrain of AI with hundreds of data sources from the web.

Now, there are some restrictions on ChatGPT plugins…

For one, you’ll need a ChatGPT Plus account (currently $20/month).

This gives you direct access to ChatGPT’s software. Then you can add plugins to your account.

Right now, ChatGPT only allows three plugins to be installed at a time.

It’s not the end of the world because you can simply uninstall and reinstall plugins as you need them. But it's still a bit more hassle than it needs to be. I expect that OpenAI will increase the amount of plugins allowed to be installed at once by the end of the year.

Despite the cost and limitations, ChatGPT plugins are worth their weight in gold. For just $20 per month, you get access to dozens of different AI tools.

Better still, users can enable multiple plugins at once, allowing ChatGPT to seamlessly search a variety of sources and combine information in a way that makes the process truly frictionless.

Here are some of my favorites.

1. Browser Extensions ( and WebPilot)

If you talk to ChatGPT enough, you’ll quickly find that its knowledge of recent  information is quite limited.

OpenAI trained ChatGPT on data from the web prior to 2021, so the chatbot can fall flat when asked about more recent information.

Enter browser extensions…

Extensions like Keymate and WebPilot allow ChatGPT to run internet searches and pull up additional information to inform ChatGPT’s response.

Behind the scenes, these plugins are passing questions to search engines, opening every page (usually the top 3-5 search results, but with special prompting they can be instructed to open far more), and passing the data to ChatGPT.

This feature allows ChatGPT to serve as a personal research assistant, performing the time-consuming steps of reviewing multiple sources and providing a tidy summary of the findings.

This can be especially handy for exploring business ideas, staying up to date on investment opportunities, or even canvassing local businesses to get the latest reviews and recommendations.

Both Keymate and Webpilot can also be given specific website links and asked to summarize the content.

This can serve in a pinch when you just want to quickly get the high-level points from long websites or PDFs.

2. Expedia/Kayak

Travel websites Expedia and Kayak both offer ChatGPT plugins, and from what I can tell, they’re both pretty great.

These plugins allow you to use ChatGPT as your personal travel agent, assisting in the process of selecting a destination based on budget… and can be combined with the Webpilot/Keymate plugins to put together itineraries or identify suitable destinations.

This comes especially in handy if you have specific requirements for your travel destination and want to find travel that meets very specific requirements.

For example, a traveler with kidney disease could limit his search to travel destinations that have convenient, safe and affordable dialysis options…

Or a die-hard Taylor Swift fan could search for the cheapest locations to see her live…

Or a family that can’t agree on restaurants/tourist attractions could use the app to find destinations that have something for everyone.

The Expedia/Kayak tools provide ChatGPT with up-to-the-minute prices for flights and hotels, allowing travelers to find the perfect match for their next trip.

3. Wolfram

Before there was ChatGPT, there was Wolfram.

Wolfram is one of the oldest AI tools on the market and focuses on answering the types of questions that ChatGPT is not so good at.

The marriage of ChatGPT and Wolfram is like a match made in heaven.

Specifically, Wolfram excels at solving mathematical and science questions. The plugin accepts questions in the form of both word problems and equations.

Adding onto the previous travel example:

Suppose you wanted to travel to a destination but didn’t want to spend more than a certain amount on gas or a certain amount per night…

You could pitch the question to Keymate+Expedia+Wolfram.

Have Keymate look up the fuel efficiency of your car and the price of gas, have Wolfram calculate the total distance you’ll get based on your budget and have Expedia look for destinations within that distance.

As you can see, the ability to combine these different plugins can help ChatGPT start to solve some very complex and intricate questions.

Wolfram is a sort of the Swiss Army Knife for these types of science/math questions.

If you were looking for ways to reduce your monthly energy bill to a certain amount, you could ask Wolfram to help calculate the minimum/maximum temperature to keep your home within budget based on local energy prices, your current energy bill and the size of your home.

Or if you need help understanding how to solve a statistics/probability challenge, Wolfram + ChatGPT are there to assist and walk you through step-by-step.

Wolfram’s ability to step in with the calculations that trip up ChatGPT massively expands the capabilities of both tools to answer complex and intricate questions.


At this point, you’re probably overflowing with ideas for how you can take advantage of these tools to save you time and energy. 

If not, give it time… I’m sure you’ll find some tasks that can benefit from the capabilities of AI.

The wide variety of skills and applications that can be solved with AI is enormous… and growing every day!

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