“Green Bananas”

“I can’t wait that long to make money! I don’t even buy green bananas!”

That’s what I’ve heard more than once from the elders of the Paradigm community.

The statement is simple. Once you get far enough into retirement, you don’t want investment themes that take too long to unfold. You want something actionable right now!

Well, with all due respect to our “most experienced” readers, today’s bold prediction isn’t for you.

What I heard in the hallways last week won’t unfold quickly. But the moneymaking upside has no limit.

(Heck, if you’re a “green bananas” type, you’d have never made 10,000%+ gains on Amazon or Nvidia.)

We’re on the hunt for the next 100x opportunity. And we’ve locked on to something.

China and the United States are in the early stages of a new arms race…

And our Ray Blanco thinks it will become Wall Street’s next obsession, too.

It has nothing to do with missiles, drones or even artificial intelligence.

Instead, it involves everything you want to keep private, from your bank account to your personal medical files.

Ray tells us it’s only a matter of time before this new tech has its “ChatGPT moment.”

That’s when investors suddenly realize how game-changing it will be — then start throwing gobs of cash at the companies developing it.

I’ll give you a sneak peek at some of Ray’s early research in a moment.

First, though, let’s look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “Ethereum: Stage 1 Is Complete” (Altucher Confidential, Chris Campbell): Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) sparked new life into the crypto markets… and we’ve been telling you for months that Ethereum ETFs would have the same effect. Now the Ethereum ETFs are here, so Chris walks you through several price predictions — including a development that could reduce the supply of the crypto while demand soars. Then he shares the surprising answer to which Ethereum ETF you should buy…
  • “It Can’t Happen Here? Hey, It Just Happened Here!” (Rude Awakening, Byron King): Joe Biden finally dropped out of the election, exactly as Jim Rickards predicted in October 2023. So it’s little surprise that all of our most-liked stories were about the shakeup. But I think Byron’s take was the most unique. He draws parallels to Sinclair Lewis's dystopian novel, It Can’t Happen Here. As he explains, Biden’s sudden fall from grace brings up uncomfortable questions about his entire presidency… and points to even bigger trouble ahead.
  • “AGI Wars: Musk's Master Plan'' (Paradigm Mastermind Group, Chris Campbell): Elon Musk seems to create companies on a whim, pursuing any technology that catches his attention. But Chris recently revealed Musk’s true goal to Paradigm Mastermind Group. Our team couldn’t stop raving about it. “I hadn't seen those connections made,” says Dan Amoss. “Well done,” says Alan Knuckman. Ray Blanco calls it “epic.” Omega Wealth Circle member Norma I. endorsed it, too, saying “it will blow your mind.” So it was an easy decision to unlock Chris’ revelation for you!

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

We’ve featured a lot of negative feedback in the Reader Forum over the past few weeks. So it was refreshing to hear Francis F. say:

I feel compelled to write and let Jim Rickards and the other contributors of Paradigm Press know how grateful many of us are to you. I learn something from every email that comes out… All these people that write in and criticize and complain about specific investments do not understand what your goals are with the publications. If all these people want is investment advice, they should hire a broker to do all their investing.

Francis, I know you sent this to the Rickards team. But I want to thank you for your heartfelt message!

Our goal at Paradigm Press is to bring you insights and information you can’t find anywhere else. We never claim to have all the answers… Instead, we hope to help you better understand the complex interactions that drive the global markets.

Still, I understand why some people might get upset with us. So I welcome their criticism. In fact, I make a point of addressing it here.

Of course, I’m even happier when I can feature letters from people who know and appreciate what we’re all about!

Next up, Omega Wealth Circle member Arvind G. says he:

Really and truly appreciate what you and your very knowledgeable and worldly folks are doing for us at Paradigm Press. Now the Microcap Millionaire! Thank you again!

Publisher Matt Insley pulled this from the private Omega Wealth Circle inbox, Arvind, and asked me to share it here.

We’re both very glad to hear you’re enjoying your membership… and it sounds like you’re excited that it includes the brand-new Microcap Millionaire.

James Altucher has wanted to focus on Wall Street’s smallest stocks for some time… so we’re happy you’ll have a chance to benefit from it!

And finally for now, Phil H. wrote Alan Knuckman to say: 

Sometimes, after a few days, I find I missed a Profit Wire message. Here’s my request: would you put “Profit Wire,” or an identifying name, in the heading we receive? That way, we could see that and be able to open it immediately and not miss a very pertinent piece of information.

I hope you’re seeing this, Phil, because I want to help you out.

The “from” line in every email we send is the name of the service you’re receiving. So you should see that a Profit Wire alert is from The Profit Wire.

But I think you’re asking us to put the name of each publication in the subject line of every email we send. Honestly, that’s less than ideal. Some of our services have long names… and some email programs limit the number of characters in a subject line.

If you’re really worried about missing an alert, I suggest you regularly check the Message Center on our website. It lists everything we’ve posted in the past 30 days. And you can filter it by service name or type of post so you can zero in on what’s important.

I hope that helps.

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory investment guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

If you shop, trade or bank online, your data travels all over the globe — and you have no idea where it gets saved along the way.

Normally that’s not a problem, because all of your data is encrypted… only readable to authorized eyes.

But that doesn’t mean your personal information will always be safe!

“China is harvesting massive amounts of encrypted data,” says Ray. “They can’t read it yet. So they’re just storing it until they have the technology to open it.”

It’s not wishful thinking, either. The Chinese government knows the breakthrough is right around the corner.

So does the United States, which is why the federal government is spending billions of dollars to try to develop the tech, too.

I’m talking about quantum computing.

Quantum computers use the special properties of subatomic particles to do things that current computers simply aren’t capable of.

Ray tells us that one day they’ll be able to model complex molecules, leading to the discovery of new materials and drugs.

They could make weather and financial forecasts much more accurate.

And quantum computers could break just about every encryption software being used today.

“Whoever cracks quantum computing first is going to rule the world,” Ray says confidently.

The good news is that making a functional and practical quantum computer isn’t easy. There are still plenty of engineering hurdles to overcome before quantum computing goes mainstream.

But Ray says it’s only a matter of time before some government or company figures out how to make it work.

“Quantum computing is going to have a ChatGPT moment,” he tells us.

It will be the breakthrough that suddenly catches Wall Street’s attention… just like ChatGPT set off the artificial intelligence boom we’re seeing today.

The only real question is which company will be the first to burst out of the gate.

Ray is keeping a close eye on some small pioneers.

He also says one of the most surprising companies to watch is Honeywell International (HON), which has a fairly advanced quantum computing arm.

Of course, Ray can’t predict exactly when quantum computing’s “ChatGPT moment” will arrive.

Still, knowing it’s coming puts you ahead of just about everyone else on Wall Street.

(Green bananas are healthier for you, too.)

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