Shocking: From Our “Gold vs. Bitcoin” Debate!

Last week, I asked you to choose your champion — Bitcoin or gold.

The results were pretty shocking.

I’ll share the details in a minute, along with some of the comments we received about each asset.

They’ll give you some insights into investors’ mindset right now.

But before we dig in, let’s look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “James: Why the Market Is Going Up” (Altucher Confidential, James Altucher): Global turmoil, inflation, political upheaval. Yet the S&P 500 keeps hitting record highs and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is set to break 40,000. Maybe that’s why this was the most-liked Altucher Confidential story last week. James digs into the excuses for Wall Street’s optimism… then reveals his own provocative theory for what's fueling the rally. It’s a back-to-basics perspective that will make you rethink everything about the market's resilience.
  • ”Thank God the Bridge Collapsed!” (Daily Reckoning, Brian Maher): Of course, Paradigm Press brings you a full spectrum of analysis. And Brian has a completely different view of what’s happening in the markets. He explains how the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge — just a few miles from our corporate headquarters in Baltimore — reveals a perverse truth about Wall Street. Then Brian argues that the economy is completely out of balance, which points to very bad trouble ahead.
  • “Gold $2,600” (Morning Reckoning, Greg Guenthner): Most investors are still laser-focused on stocks and Bitcoin — but Greg says, “there’s something special brewing in precious metals right now.” He looks at the latest price action in gold, silver, mining stocks and more… then compares their prospects to cryptocurrencies. You’ll also get the details behind his price predictions. (And keep reading for more thoughts on Bitcoin vs. gold.)

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at

The Reader Forum:

Starting us off today, Matthew S. spoke up during last week’s James Altucher’s Early-Stage Crypto Investor live call to say:

I’ve been with you since 2017. Just want you to know that my crypto portfolio is currently sitting at 5X. Thank you, and looking forward to where this can go.

Matthew, I’m thrilled to hear about your success! Thanks for sticking with us through the ups and downs of the crypto markets.

Your patience has literally paid off… and with cryptocurrencies springing back to life, I expect James and his team will be leading you to similar gains in even less time!

Next up, Greg Gunether’s Trading Desk recently gave members a chance to see double-digit gains with Transocean Ltd. (RIG) calls in less than two weeks. Ryan O. reports in the Trading Desk Live Chat:

88% return on RIG. I've made enough to cover the cost of the service in just two trades. Thank you so much!

That’s great to hear, Ryan! But I’m not surprised. Greg currently has one of the top track records at Paradigm Press. So I expect you’ll see plenty of more winners in the coming weeks.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Greg’s live chat community!

Finally for today, Jim Rickards received a question that upset me so much that I’m compelled to address it here. Michael G. asks:

Are you guys now using clickbait with your own subscribers?

Thanks for speaking up, Michael… but frankly, I’m insulted to hear our content described as “click bait.”

The term implies that we’re using salacious headlines to get you to open our emails — then presenting you with completely unrelated information.

First, to be clear, every publishing and media company on the planet needs you to “click” their content.

The mainstream guys need your eyeballs to please their advertising overlords.

We’re a small, independent financial publisher, so we don’t accept money from Wall Street. Instead, we need your attention to keep the lights on. Without you, we can’t keep providing our world-class analysis.

And as I’ve mentioned before, we want our free e-letters to be a vital part of your day.

So we work hard to earn your attention in an ocean of noise.

Yes, our headlines let you know we have something important to say. But we always back them up with in-depth research and insights you won’t find anywhere else.

Nothing we ever send you should seem like a waste of time… unlike the true “click bait” practitioners out there.

If you disagree, please let us know! I’m always standing by for your emails at

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

We had a tremendous number of responses to last week’s Bitcoin vs. gold survey.

A lot of people were happy to take a side, letting us know exactly which asset they supported and why.

The reasons from each camp were pretty similar, too.

“Gold is tangible and has a long history of worldwide recognition and acceptance,” Kurt H. tells us. “Nobody even knows how Bitcoin originated, and it can disappear in the blink of an eye.”

Julian C. agrees: “5,000 years of history doesn’t disappear quickly.”

John A. says he likes gold because, “I can hold it in my hand and there is absolutely no counterparty risk involved.”

More than one person pointed out that Bitcoin depends on electricity. Lee D. sums up these arguments nicely: “Bitcoin is toast without internet or power.”

Bitcoin supporters were just as adamant.

Mart says that Bitcoin is “more portable and divisible.”

Chuck tells us Bitcoin has “greater utility than gold [and is] cheaper to move.”

Kevin prefers the cryptocurrency simply because it offers “rapid growth.”

Still, there was a clear winner in a purely head-to-head competition.

Gold garnered a full 34% of the vote. Bitcoin was chosen by just 13% of our members.

What really shocked me, however, was how many people voted for a third option.

Nearly half our members said “both”!

Pete likes the “permanence of gold and flexibility of Bitcoin.”

Wes tells us, “I love the historical side of gold, but I also see the modern digital advantages of crypto.”

George O. says, I have both because I think that both are great assets for the long haul.”

DJ explains, “Gold is still the undisputed heavyweight champion. But Bitcoin is the middleweight champion and is still bulking up for a chance at the title. Soon….”

Plenty of folks in the “Both” camp made it clear they believe gold is superior, but think Bitcoin offers better short-term profit potential.

“Bitcoin for speculation and trading, gold for wealth preservation,” says a different George.

“I like the upside potential of Bitcoin,” agrees Ric R. “These are just two of the items topping the greed meter at the moment. Gold is by far the safest.”

It’s great to know that so many members have open minds when it comes to Bitcoin and gold — and seem to have a good understanding of the risks vs. potential rewards.

Adopting that mindset will help you take advantage of the booming profit opportunities our team sees in both assets.

You can either invest in gold and Bitcoin directly, or target supporting markets that offer even bigger gains.

In fact, our team expects a massive short-term catalyst to send Bitcoin and related assets skyrocketing higher very soon. (Keep watching your inbox for details.)

So if you strictly focus on one asset and ignore the other, you’re going to miss out on chances to dramatically increase your wealth!

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