Sun’s Out. Gigs Out.

Today’s eclipse is generating more excitement than any astronomic event in recent history.

But our team says the disappearing sun also spotlights a flaw in the country’s economic thinking…

The problem is tied to the rise of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies.

And the solution could lead to big profits for you!

I’ll tell what our experts are saying in a minute — and where they’re looking to play it.

Before we get to that, though, let’s review our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “73 Mil AT&T Accounts on Dark Web” (The Rundown, Matt Insley): Your Social Security number and other personal data might be up for sale right now — especially if you’re one of the 73 million people exposed in AT&T’s recent data leak. You don’t even have to be a current AT&T customer, either… because over 65 million former account holders were affected, too. So it’s a good time to review ways to keep your information safe. Matt shares expert-recommended strategies to shield yourself from fraudsters and scammers.
  • “Can Silver Do What Cocoa Just Did?” (Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence, Jim Rickards & Byron King): A ton of cocoa beans costs nearly triple what they did two months ago — an unprecedented record spike that’s left chocolate makers scrambling. Now, with precious metals prices showing signs of life, Byron King — our resident geologist —sees a similar set-up happening in silver. He recently walked Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence and Lifetime Income Report readers through the supply-demand dynamics. It was our most-liked story last week, which is why I’ve decided to unlock it for you, too.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at

The Reader Forum:

First from the mailbag today, Derek B. addresses me personally to say:

Thank you and your team for the wonderful & regular information. A very grateful thanks to everyone, as I am a subscriber to Jim RIckards.

You’re quite welcome, Derek. And thank you for the kind words! Of course, I can’t take credit for the world-class experts that Paradigm Press has put together. All I can do is try to share as much of their brilliance as I can.

I wish you much success with Jim… and hope the Concierge Letter encourages you to check out our other Paradigm Press analysts as well!

Next, Ian N. sends:

A little SHOUTOUT to James Altucher for his persistence and courage… Keep writing, keep informing, you're great at it. I don't personally have heroes — unless they rescue people from life-threatening situations — but I still consider myself a huge admirer.

Ian, that was more than a “little shoutout” — and I really appreciate it. James has had his share of ups and downs in life… but he has always bounced back stronger than ever. Then he’s shared his experiences… helping people avoid making similar mistakes.

I’m sure he’s encouraged by fans like you, too. Thanks for sharing your support! I’ll be sure James and his team see it.

Finally for today, Jeff R. sent a long list of complaints to Sean Ring’s feedback address:

Most of your content is long-form boring video that takes forever to get to the point (when it gets to the point). Most of your emails are "pump-a-chump" schemes (stock pushing & dumping for miniscule profits). Most of your emails “piggyback” on the "whitelisted From:" email addresses of your respected contributors. In general, I think your organization's email campaigns place you just barely above the ranks of ambulance-chasing third-rate lawyers.

No one can accuse you of holding back, Jeff! I hope you don’t mind me tackling this, since it really has nothing to do with Sean or Rude Awakening.

But it’s interesting that your list ends with the word “lawyers” — because it ties directly into why our videos need to be as long as they are.

Remember, we’re a small, independent financial publisher. Most people don’t know us from Adam. So our analysts can’t just start spouting predictions. Who would listen to a complete stranger offering financial advice?

Instead, our experts need to establish their credentials. They need to explain the research behind their predictions. They need to be sure you understand why they can guide you through what lies ahead.

Essentially, they need to make a case for why their research can benefit you.

It’s also why we need to send our messages through established email addresses. How else can we reach people who don’t know who we are?

And I adamantly disagree with the notion that we promote "pump-a-chump schemes."

Our team works very hard and digs deep to bring you the absolute best investment opportunities. The recommendations they send are based on in-depth research.

If the stock is small enough, we warn that the sudden interest will cause volatility — giving our members instructions to make sure they don’t pay too much. Then we don’t recommend selling until the situation changes or the stock hits our analyst’s profit targets.

But you don’t have to take my word that our team puts our members first.

Look at what Ian and Derek have to say above. Check out previous issues of this Concierge Letter to learn the positive experiences other members have had, too.

Do “ambulance-chasing third-rate lawyers” earn as much respect? I doubt it. So I hope you’ll read our future emails with an open mind.

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

In just a few hours, the moon will cross in front of the sun, creating a shadow across much of the United States.

And while it will be an awesome sight to behold, it will also put a strain on the nation’s power grid.

It’s pretty simple — reduced sunlight means reduced output from solar panels. 

In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a total of 84.8 gigawatts of power generation will be affected by the eclipse.

Keep in mind, a single gigawatt can power 750,000 homes. So we’re talking about a disruption to the electricity used by 63.6 million homes.

Of course, the sun will only disappear for a few minutes — and only solar farms in the path of totality will be reduced to zero power.

More importantly, it’s not like the eclipse is a surprise. Everyone knows when one is coming, so utilities have plenty of time to prepare.

In fact, many power utilities will turn to a fossil fuel to get them through the minutes of darkness — natural gas.

Utilities have long relied on natural gas to run generators during times of peak electricity demand.

Our team says natural gas will be even more important for the power grid in the months and years ahead.

That’s because things like artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies require a LOT of electricity.

According to the International Energy Agency, global data centers could be sucking up more juice than the entire country of Japan in just two years.

The demand for power could outstrip supply — especially if the grid continues to rely on a source that shines for less than half a day.

And utilities have a huge incentive to use natural gas to bridge the gap.

While other commodity prices have boomed, says our Zach Scheidt, “natural gas is as cheap as it was in 2020.”

Now he’s starting to see “investment capital flow back into that area.”

Trade analyst Alan Knuckman agrees a good play is developing. “The risk-reward is definitely on natural gas’ side,” he says.

You can find plenty of inexpensive natural gas producers and pipeline companies that will start trading higher as demand for their products inevitably heats up.

Energy giants like Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and Shell plc (SHEL) — which are already benefiting from higher oil prices — have extensive natural gas operations, too.

So try to watch the eclipse today if you can. Then look into the companies that helped keep the lights on while everyone was looking up.

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