When Kamala Meets Trump…

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will meet face-to-face for the first time ever Tuesday night.

And whatever happens next won’t just impact the polls.

In fact, their prime-time showdown could send stocks in wild new directions.

That’s why our Jim Rickards will share a special post-debate debrief on Wednesday — absolutely FREE.

I’ll tell you how to tune in with absolutely no strings attached in a minute.

But first, let’s look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “The Worst Month for Stocks” (Daily Reckoning, Brian Maher): Three of the stock market’s most notorious crashes all happened in October. So investors are naturally worried as the 10th month draws nearer. But Brian tells us the fear is misplaced… and has the numbers to back it up. Discover the truth behind the “October effect,” as well as which month is actually the worst for your portfolio.
  • Reagan: A Movie Review” (Rude Awakening, Byron King): A biopic about Ronald Reagan is now in theaters. And Byron, our resident historian, offers his thoughts on the film. Learn what it gets right, what it glosses over — and whether it’s worth your time. Byron also shares an anecdote about a Naval officer’s embarrassing meeting with the man himself. Member Terry T. tells us, “I really enjoyed Byron’s article.” Ken H. says, “Thank you, sir, for this article!” See why this was our most-liked e-letter last week.
  • “Is AI In Bubble Territory?” (Altucher’s Investment Network, James Altucher): Artificial intelligence (AI) stocks are on shaky ground as Wall Street wonders whether the tech will live up to the hype. So James recently took a closer look for his Investment Network members He compares AI to previous investment manias, then shares what he expects next. This was our most-liked Altucher write-up last week, addressing a topic that’s probably top-of-mind for you, too. So I unlocked James’ analysis to make sure you’re up to speed.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

First from the mailbag today, Laura T. says:

I was quite successful in putting a freeze to all three bureaus on our credit. Thanks for the heads-up info!

You’re quite welcome, Laura! There are few things more valuable than your identity, so I was more than happy to pass along information that could help you protect yours.

The whole story is available for free on our website, so pass the link along to anyone who could benefit from it. Several members of our staff have sent it to parents and other loved ones — as well as taken advantage of the advice themselves.

In fact, the feedback has been so positive that I’m considering commissioning a brand-new report for our Wealth Desk devoted to avoiding identity theft.

Let me know if that’s something that would interest you!

Next, Shari M. compliments Jim Rickards for correctly predicting how Nvidia Corp.’s (NVDA) earnings report would play out, adding:

Through Paradigm, and its cast of brilliant investors and authors, led by Jim, the king among them, I am now engaged and relearning all about markets, investing and all things finance. I am watching everything predicted and described play out in the market and am overwhelmingly impressed! Thank you for making the wealth of all this cumulative knowledge and experience available to the seasoned and least-seasoned of us in such a clear and straight-forward way!

This really made my day, Shari! And I’m sorry I only have the space to feature an excerpt of your letter. But you can be sure that I shared it with the rest of the team.

We seek to cast a wide net, helping as many people as possible — no matter where they come from or how much they know. Sometimes it’s a real challenge translating complex topics into layman’s terms.

So I’m really happy to hear when our team has succeeded.

I hope you’ll continue to benefit from our predictions and analysis!

And finally for today, Marilynn S. writes Jim Rickards to say:

It would be important and super helpful if we could search in a Paradigm database alerts by the ticker in the event we have missed a recommendation. Any provision for that?

Thanks for the question, Marilynn. And our website does have a search engine that can send you in the right direction.

Just log into our website and click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner. Or go directly to our Search page by clicking here.

Typing in a ticker like Nvidia’s NVDA brings up every article that mentions the stock.

If you’re looking for what a specific analyst has said, you can filter the results by subscription. Or if you want to see any actionable recommendations we’ve made, use the drop-down Category menu to narrow the search to things like Alerts or Reports. 

If the ticker is just one or two letters, you might want to search the company’s full name. For example, Ford Motor Corp.’s ticker is F — so your search may return every article that contains an F.

Entering “Ford” instead would give you more relevant results.

Alternatively, you can use our website’s stock chart system. Log in, then enter https://my.paradigmpressgroup.com/ticker/ and put in the ticker symbol after the slash. (So, you can find Nvidia’s chart by entering https://my.paradigmpressgroup.com/ticker/nvda.)

Scroll down to Related Articles for recent articles that mention the stock.

Of course, our team is constantly working to make our site more searchable and user-friendly. If you have any suggestions, drop me a line!

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we also have a FREE library of introductory investment guides — covering everything from finding a broker to how to trade stock options — on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

The last time Donald Trump faced a political opponent on stage…

The Democrats got so scared that they threw their candidate under a bus.

On Tuesday, we’ll see if Kamala Harris withers in the limelight.

Or maybe she’ll goad Trump into veering off topic.

No one really knows what to expect.

And that’s a problem for investors — because there’s nothing Wall Street hates more than uncertainty.

Every mention of taxes… government spending… economic policies… foreign relations… and more… will set off alarm bells in parts of your investment portfolio.

Jim Rickards doesn’t want you to face these challenges on your own.

So on Wednesday, Sept. 11 — mere hours after the debate ends — he’ll host a special debrief on our YouTube channel.

Tune in on Wednesday for his in-depth analysis… including everything the mainstream media decided to overlook or ignore.

It’s a viewpoint I guarantee you won’t find anywhere else.

And since it’s on YouTube, it will be absolutely FREE.

No credit cards… no email addresses… no obligations.

If you want to know the second the video goes live, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel. It just takes a single click — with zero strings attached.

Click here to join our YouTube channel.

So get ready for Tuesday’s presidential debate.

Then let Jim Rickards tell you how it could affect your wealth on Wednesday!

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