“Coffee-gate” at the Bellagio

You’d think a luxury hotel would have a coffee maker in the room. 

I’m here at the opulent Bellagio Resort & Casino in Las Vegas — prepping for tomorrow’s Paradigm Shift Summit.

This morning most of our team was dismayed to discover that they either needed to pay sky-high room service prices for their morning caffeine fix… or wander down to the in-house Starbucks. 

And while I’m also a little put off by this scandalous “coffee-gate,” I am looking forward to everything we have in store for you.

In a minute, I’ll share a preview of what to expect from our top-tier analysts and our special guest.

Even if you won’t be joining us, I hope you’ll enjoy this sneak peek.

But let’s start with our usual look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “Amazon’s AI Power Play'' (Technology Profits Daily, Ray Blanco): Big tech companies continue to spend billions of dollars to partner with artificial intelligence (AI) innovators. The latest move comes from Amazon.com, which just handed $4 billion to a start-up called Anthropic. Its “Claude” chatbot is said to rival Google’s Bard and Microsoft-funded ChatGPT. Ray walks you through the deal… the technology… and what’s next for the industry.
  • "Debt Crisis: Something Big and Stupid Is Coming" (Jim Rickards’ Insider Intel, Jim Rickards): Wall Street is worried about what a U.S. government shutdown will do to the economy. But Jim recently told his Jim Rickards’ Insider Intel readers where the real danger lies. We’re sitting on a global economic time bomb… and there are only three ways it could play out (none of them good). This could have a major impact on your and your wealth — far worse than shuttering federal offices for a few weeks. That’s why I’ve unlocked Jim’s warnings for you. 

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now. 

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

We’ll kick things off with Sherry D.’s response to a Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence survey:

You get a lot for your money compared to other newsletters. You get constant, valuable information from various emails, alerts, reports, etc. 

Sherry, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It’s no secret that our dollars don’t go as far as they used to, so I’m happy to hear we’re providing you with real value.

I look forward to sharing this with our entire team. 

Next, Tom M. tells us in a 5-star Google review:

I am pretty much a novice trader. However, I have followed their directions, listened to most of their calls and have started to do very well. I really like this and I will be with it for quite some time.

Thanks for helping spread the word, Tom. We really appreciate the review, and I’m happy to hear that you're off to a good start. We look forward to having you on board for many years to come! 

You can bet I’ll be forwarding this to everyone at Paradigm. 

Finally for today, while we’re encouraged by the compliments we receive, I’m also happy to answer your questions whenever I can.

This week, Linda M. tells us:

I am a retired 70-year-old woman, now in the lower middle class. My husband and I are pulling over 60K each year out of his retirement account, and mine is gone! We do not have a brokerage account. Can you please recommend a few for us? I would be truly grateful. I am so excited to show my husband (and myself) that there is hope that we can make money, however small.

Good to hear from you, Linda… and you’ve come to the right place. 

As Tom just pointed out, we cater to novice traders. So even if you’ve never so much as bought a stock before, we can help put you on the right path.

In fact, our Wealth Desk is a treasure trove of FREE reports with everything you need to know. And, yes, that includes tips for finding and opening a brokerage account

We’re also getting ready to guide you through your next steps, too. My team is putting the finishing touches on a report that explains how to buy and sell stocks. 

It’s shaping up to be our most comprehensive Wealth Desk primer yet, and I can’t wait to share it with you. I’ll have it for you in just a few weeks.

And that wraps up this week’s Reader’s Forum!

Remember, I’m always standing by for your emails at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them! 

This is YOUR forum! 

(And remember, for customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

Aside from the lack of in-room coffee, I’ve been impressed with the Bellagio so far. 

And walking past the crowded gaming tables makes it clear why Las Vegas is the best venue for our event.

I see people here coveting a plastic currency that has zero intrinsic value outside of this specific place. 

They’re throwing it around with complete abandon — hoping to beat a system where the odds aren’t in their favor. 

Even if they win, they assume the Bellagio will redeem their chips for something valuable. It never crosses anyone’s mind that the casino might not be able to deliver on its promises.

It kind of sounds like Jim Rickards’ opinions of what’s happening in the global economy.

He’ll take the stage at 11 a.m. tomorrow, just before our complimentary lunch buffet. We expect his absolute latest analysis of Biden Bucks… the Currency Wars… the New Green Scam… and more.

After lunch, we’ll hear from our keynote speaker, Rick Rule.

Rick is a massively successful investor and speculator with more than 45 years of experience — specializing in the resource and commodities markets. 

And as the founder and former CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings (an elite-level asset management firm), he’s one of the most sought-after financial experts working today. 

We’re incredibly lucky to have him join us. I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on gold… oil… and every other raw material that keeps the world running.

Even better, he’s agreed to stick around after his presentation — first for a “fireside chat” with Jim, Bryon King and Dave Gonigam… then as part of our popular Whiskey Bar.

I expect Byron will also share details about his recent on-site visits to drillers and miners

As for our other speakers, Alan Knuckman has already warned us that his talk may prove controversial. 

That’s OK, though, considering the options he recommended at last year’s summit went on to double in value.

And both Ray Blanco and James Altucher have fascinating topics on tap.

Ray will talk about some upcoming catalysts that could send promising biotech stocks shooting higher. He might also touch on quantum computing — another area with huge potential growth. 

Of course, James has been laser-focused on Wall Street’s current hot topic, artificial intelligence. He’ll come armed with innovative stock tickers to explore.

Then there’s Zach Scheidt. He wears so many hats these days — retirement expert… income strategist… buyout analyst… trading specialist — it’s hard to know what he’ll talk about. 

At the very least, I expect him to pass along a few tricks he picked up when he was managing a multimillion-dollar hedge fund.

The real wild card will be Sean Ring. Assuming his presentation is anything like his Rude Awakening alerts, we’re in for a rollicking good time. 

If you decided to skip this year’s Paradigm Shift Summit, please stay tuned… you may get a chance to experience the next best thing to being in the room.

But if you will be joining us, be sure to stop by our booth and say hi. Always nice to meet a member face-to-face.

Oh, and we’ll have some coffee waiting for you!

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