PREDICTION: All-Time Highs Ahead!?!?!

“The S&P 500 is poised to reach all-time highs by the end of the year.” 

At least that’s what our top technical analyst is saying…

But you might be surprised to learn who agrees with him — telling us that the markets could keep rising no matter what happens in the news.

In a minute, I’ll explain why we’re feeling so positive… despite the long list of problems facing the U.S. economy.

I’ll also share our plans to help you cash in on Wall Street’s optimism, whether you feel the same way or not. 

Before we get to that, of course, let’s start with a look at our top stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “Before You FOMO Into Bitcoin (Read ASAP!)'' (Altucher Confidential, Chris Campbell): Big news in the cryptocurrency world — a Federal judge ordered the Securities & Exchange Commission to review an application for a Bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF). But as Chris points out, the news isn’t as great as some are making it out to be. And investors who act on their “fear of missing out” (FOMO) could find themselves burned again. Besides, he explains, there’s a much better crypto opportunity coming… 
  • “The Three Wisest Words on Earth” (Daily Reckoning, Brian Maher): It’s been a summer of drought, wildfires and major storms — with no shortage of people shouting that it’s part of a global climate emergency. Brian exposes the logical fallacies behind these arguments… and explains how the world could be a better place with a single honest sentence. Member Joanne C. nominated this one, thanking Brian for “the gentle reminder.”
  • "Market Insiders Pick up Interest in INTC" (The Profit Wire, Alan Knuckman & Dave Gonigam): A lot of stocks have gotten caught up in the artificial intelligence (AI) mania — but one well-known name has been left behind. According to Alan and Dave’s proprietary indicator, however, that’s about to change. With signs that insiders are quietly taking bullish positions, the pair have told their Profit Wire readers how to cash in, too. It could be the first of many profitable AI plays in the weeks ahead — so I’ve unlocked their specific recommendation to give you a taste of what’s coming.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now. 

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at

The Reader Forum:

JIm Rickards’ Countdown to Crisis just racked up a huge win — a 75% gain on Dollar Tree (DLTR) options in five days. Member David C. left us a 5-star Google review to tell us: 

What a winner on the DLTR put contracts. Truthfully, I did not understand puts or calls before joining Paradigm Press. Well done and thank you! 

Congrats, David! I’m also glad that we gave you the confidence to put on this trade. That is one of our goals, of course — to expand your investment knowledge so you can take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way!

I should also note that this win is part of our updated strategy for JIm Rickards’ Countdown to Crisis — a new approach that should lead to even more gains like this one.

You’ll have a chance to learn more about it soon. In the meantime, I look forward to sharing this with Jim and his team. 

Next, Dean C. tells us in a recent survey:

I am very excited and proud to be associated with such quality people as those who are involved with Paradigm! Feel honored to be included. 

Thank you for the fantastic feedback, Dean. And we are honored to have you as a customer. You can bet I’ll be sharing this with everyone at Paradigm. 

Finally for today, while we’re encouraged by the compliments we receive, I’m also happy to answer your questions whenever I can.

This week, Bette M. wants to know:

If I do not have a broker or account, how do I find someone to help me?

That’s a pretty familiar question, Bette — and one with a very easy answer.

We know a lot of our readers don’t have very much investment experience. That’s why we created The Wealth Desk — a treasure trove of FREE reports to help you with everything you need to know.

If you don’t have a brokerage account, we have a guide for that.

Want to know more about stock options? We can help with that, too

Our next report will cover the basics of buying and selling stocks — so expect details soon. You can also let me know which other topics you’d like to see on The Wealth Desk.

And that wraps up this week’s Reader’s Forum!

Remember, I’m always standing by for your emails at

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them! 

This is YOUR forum! 

(And remember, for customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

The Federal Reserve’s war against inflation is likely to fail…

Americans are falling deeper into debt — unable to afford any financial setbacks…

And as we discussed last week, the BRICS are getting closer to making the U.S. dollar obsolete…

Yet the Chicago Board Options Exchange's Volatility Index (VIX) — known as the “fear index” — is quiet. 

That means investors aren’t too worried about the future…

In fact, after a brief summer lull, the major indexes are marching higher again. 

Our top technical analyst, Alan Knuckman, says the S&P 500 looks poised to keep rising. His charts predict the index could hit “new all-time highs, probably by the New Year.”

And Alan’s not the only one who thinks Wall Street is set for a bull run. He has some surprising support from our Byron King.

You may know that Byron is very worried about U.S. manufacturing. He believes too many of our consumer goods come from overseas, which will hurt our economy in the long run.

He also warns that we’re too dependent on foreign countries for critical raw materials — another pending catalyst for economic decline.

Yet he predicts that U.S. markets “are due for a general levitation over the next few months.”

The best explanation is that Wall Street is well aware of all the things that could go wrong — and has collectively decided none of it matters.

“Bad news hasn't happened yet,” Byron explains, “but everybody knows enough to expect it.”

Alan agrees: “I don’t think there’s anything out there that surprises us anymore.”

A setback in Ukraine… a presidential election shakeup… even a minor bank’s collapse won’t rattle investors too much. 

It’s already priced into the markets — limiting how far they’re likely to retreat before heading up again.

This doesn’t mean we agree with Wall Street’s current bout of positivity. But you don’t have to be an optimist to profit from people wearing rose-colored glasses.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the major indexes — like the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) — could deliver nice short-term gains.

Or you could shoot for leveraged gains by buying call options on these ETFs.

Our team also thinks it’s a great time to consider more speculative plays — turning the market’s inevitable ups and downs into big profits.

We’re working on a new service that will help you do exactly that… so stay tuned.

In the meantime, keep your head on a swivel and use the rising tide to your advantage. 

It won’t last forever, but you can make some money while waiting for the financial tsunami to roll in.

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