Whiskey on Wednesday — You’re Invited!

Take our most outspoken geopolitical commentators and analysts…

Put them in one of the most divisive venues on the planet…

Then supply them with their favorite drinks from an open bar...

It’s a proven combination for pithy insights… brutal opinions… thoughtful recommendations — not to mention plenty of laughs.

So I urge you to clear your calendar for a special broadcast on Wednesday, May 29, at 3:30 p.m. ET.

And put away your wallet — because we’re giving you FREE access to one of our most popular events.

I’ll share all the details in a minute.

But first, let’s take a look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “King: About Rare Earths” (Rude Awakening, Byron King): Rare earth elements are vital to just about every electronic device you can name. Yet most people know nothing about this all-important section of the periodic table — let alone where they come from. Byron explains why you need to pay attention to these critical raw materials… and names a few of his favorite companies in this space. Member Norma I. tells us she “really enjoyed” this article, making it an easy choice for our Top 3.
  • “The Biggest Week in Crypto… Ever” (Altucher Confidential, Chris Campbell): As May draws to a close, we’ve seen major developments in cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum. You’ve probably heard that the Securities and Exchange Commission will start considering applications for Ethereum-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs). But before that announcement, Chris highlighted another catalyst you may have missed — which could have an even bigger impact on the crypto’s value. This was our most-liked story last week, so make sure you’re caught up before Ethereum’s next big move!
  • “Biden’s IRS Is Watching You ” (Jim Rickards’ Insider Intel, Jim Rickards): The Biden administration continues to target political enemies through coordinated efforts across multiple agencies. Now the IRS is being weaponized, too. Jim recently told his Insider Intel members how the IRS's expanded powers could threaten political dissent and what it means for the future of government oversight. But it’s also a great lead-in to Jim’s upcoming “Scandals, Secrets and Scoundrels” broadcast from the Watergate Hotel on Thursday. So I’ve decided to unlock his thoughts for you.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

First in the Reader Forum today, Socrates O. wants to share his interaction with Beverly, a member of my customer service team:

I was highly impressed with Beverly’s help. She was totally professional, friendly and even pronounced my name correctly, which does not happen that often.

Socrates, thank you for sharing!

I’m delighted to hear that Beverly provided an excellent experience, but not surprised. My entire team always strives to deliver outstanding service.

Still, it’s wonderful to know when we’ve hit the mark. I’ll be sure to pass along your kind words.

Next up, Chris H. says:

You guys are the best! Been reading Jim's stuff since 2017 and it is only improving. Excellent attention to detail from Jim, Greg and the rest of the Paradigm team… Thanks for being so good!

You’re welcome, Chris. And thanks for sticking with us for the past seven years — especially after all the changes and upgrades we’ve made since then.

But along the way, we’ve built a brain trust of some of the most brilliant minds in the business. We’ll also continue looking for ways we can serve you better. With your ongoing support, we’ll only get better from here!

You can bet I’ll be sharing this with everyone at Paradigm.

And finally for today, Sue O. asks Jim Rickards:

How do I buy/sell? Do I have to find a broker or does this organization guide me step by step?

I hope you’re reading this, Sue, because it’s a question Jim seems to be getting a lot these days.

First, Jim is part of Paradigm Press, a relatively small financial publisher. Jim and the rest of our team provides in-depth analysis and recommendations… but you’ll need a brokerage account to turn our research into action.

Luckily, it’s easy to get started. We’ve even put together a library of free reports to help you— from finding the right broker for you to placing your first trade.

Find them all on our Wealth Desk here.

Also let me know if there are other topics you’d like to see on the Wealth Desk!

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, as I just mentioned, we also have a FREE library of introductory investment guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, please use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

Jim Rickards isn’t the only one broadcasting from the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. this week.

In fact, the day before JIm’s “Scandals, Secrets and Scoundrels” presentation, we’ll share our latest Whiskey Bar with you!

Just like last year’s edition from Jekyll Island, we’ve gathered a select group of our top analysts and commentators for a free-flowing panel discussion — spurred by a few drinks from the bar.

And while it’s always a raucous time… this year’s could be even more outrageous.

First, you’ll be hearing from Jim, Byron King, Dan Amoss, Andrew Zatlin, Zach Scheidt, Matt Insley, Doug Hill and Sean Ring — a motley crew who rarely hold anything back.

We’ll also be at the Watergate in D.C. — both synonymous with scandal in an election year filled with underhanded tactics.

It’s coming as the United States loses influence around the world, unable to do anything about Ukraine and Russia… Taiwan and China… or the Middle East — let alone the near-abandonment of the U.S. dollar.

And yet Wall Street continues to push stocks ever-higher… hoping they’ll live up to impossible expectations.

The Whiskey Bar gives our team an opportunity to share their honest, off-the-cuff opinions about all of it!

Of course, there will be plenty of useful information, too.

After all, we have some of the best market watchers in the business.

Expect to hear the names they’re watching right now… including stocks set to thrive no matter what lies ahead.

Keep in mind, the Whiskey Bar is NEVER about pitching a new service or asking you to upgrade.

That’s why we’re bringing you our team’s wit, wisdom and recommendations absolutely FREE.

You don’t need to register or give us your email address. Put your wallet away.

All you have to do is tune in, sit back, watch, laugh and learn.

We’ll send you an email with the link shortly before the broadcast goes live on Wednesday, May 29, at 3:30 p.m. ET.

(Don’t worry if you’re busy — you can catch the replay!)

Then expect an invitation for Jim’s “Scandels, Secrets and Scoundrels” broadcast on Thursday, May 30, at 7 p.m. ET.

You don’t want to miss either of them!

September Shocker

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NOT Gold. NOT Silver. NOT Crypto.

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