“Dr. Copper”

Our team was right about Bitcoin and gold…

In fact, we told you to get in before they both set new highs.

Now another asset looks poised for a historic breakout.

And as usual, Wall Street isn’t paying attention…

Which means you have another chance to get in before the crowd.

I’ll share our team’s analysis in a minute — including one of their top ways to play it.

But first, let’s look at our Top Stories and the Reader Forum.

Your Top Stories & Analysis of the Week:

  • “Worth Its Weight In… Silver?” (Rude Awakening, Byron King): Bitcoin is now the eighth-most valuable asset in the world… currently worth more than all the silver in existence. So Byron takes a sobering look at how the cryptocurrency stacks up against the other assets in the top 10 list. As he explains, Bitcoin has some pretty unique weaknesses compared to a lot of other investments you could buy. In fact, the crypto could face competition that it would be unable to match.
  • “Costa Rica Crypto Odyssey (Part Deux)'' (Altucher Confidential, Chris Campbell): Of course, Paradigm Press is home to a wide range of viewpoints. That’s why you should also read Chris’ travelog from Costa Rica. He’s experiencing real-world use of Bitcoin first-hand… which makes him much more confident about the cryptocurrency’s future. While it’s not meant as a response to Byron’s critique, Chris shows how many of the supposed weaknesses in crypto are strengths in Central America. Let me know whose argument you find more compelling!
  • “Small Cap Comeback: A Big Opportunity for Wall Street’s Smallest Stocks ” (Lifetime Income Report, Zach Scheidt): While Wall Street’s biggest stocks continue to get all the attention, our team thinks it’s only a matter of time before smaller stocks start moving higher, too. Zach recently made the case to his Lifetime Income Report readers… and shared the name of a stock that will benefit from the trend. Not only are its shares set to go higher, but it’s also paying a generous dividend. You won’t hear this kind of opportunity from a lot of analysts, which is why I’ve unlocked an excerpt of Zach’s recommendation for you.

Remember, we publish tens to HUNDREDS of stories. The write-ups and presentations above are our TOP ones for the week — including one that had been roped off from the public. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, make sure you’re caught up now.

And if you’d like to nominate any of our stories for next week’s “Top 3,” just let me know at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

The Reader Forum:

Last week, James Altucher broadcast live from the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference in Austin, Texas — and you had a chance to tune in absolutely FREE.

Considering all the great information he shared, it’s not surprising that we’ve received so many compliments. For example, Dana W. tells us:

Thanks for the live talk from SXSW. I loved hearing the unedited chat. Awesome. Keep doing what you’re doing! You are super gifted... Best to you and your team.

Thank you so much for your kind words, Dana!

We know there were some unexpected technical difficulties during the broadcast, so I’m glad you got so much out of James’ presentation. Even I was surprised by how many recommendations he shared!

I look forward to sharing this with James. And if you’d like to view it again — or read the full transcript — we’ve posted everything on the Concierge website here.

Next up, Brian B. wants to share his experiences with Kamil, a member of my customer service team:

Kamil was really great. I can't do this alone. I was lost when I called, but Kamil helped me sort things out. I want to give this recognition to Kamil.

Brian, thank you for sharing your experience!

As I always say, my team is trained to deliver exactly the help you need. So I’m not surprised to hear that Kamil delivered… but I really appreciate you taking time to praise his efforts.

I'll be sure to pass along your kind words.

Finally for today, I want to address another complaint that we get fairly regularly.

Last week, Greg Guenthner told his Trading Desk members to sell their Block Inc. (SQ) call options for a 97% gain in less than two weeks. He also asked his members to share their personal results in a Google survey.

That didn’t sit well with Mark M., who tells us:

I cannot take the survey. Will NOT deal with Google just to take a survey. Please eliminate that horrible thing. Thanks.

Thanks for writing in, Mark… and I hope you were still able to profit from Greg’s recommendation!

As for Google, our response hasn’t changed much since I dealt with a similar letter in the Reader Forum back in October.

Paradigm Press is a relatively small, independent financial publisher. So we don’t really have the resources to create and curate in-house surveys.

If we want large-scale insights into what our members are thinking, we need to work with a company that can gather and process all that information. And Google simply offers the easiest and most affordable way to do that.

Yes, the company is well-known for sifting through data to figure out the most effective ads to show you. But you can bet its competitors are doing the exact same thing, too.

That’s why we limit the amount of personal information we ask for — usually just your name and email address. After that, you have complete control over how much you want to say.

Of course, you’re also free to simply email your thoughts to me and our team. It’s a lot more work, but it allows you to avoid Google altogether.

I hope that helps!

That wraps up this week’s Reader Forum.

Remember, your feedback is vital to our success… so please email me at concierge@paradigmpressgroup.com.

Questions? I’ll get answers! Comments? Let me hear them! Problems? I’ll try to solve them!

This is YOUR forum!

(And don’t forget, we have a FREE library of introductory guides on our Wealth Desk. For customer service issues, use our contact page.)

Now, here’s what’s happening around the water cooler this week…

The Water Cooler — Upcoming Events and More

Back in early November, our team predicted that gold looked ripe for a breakout.

By the end of the year, the precious metal was setting new highs — and is looking to continue marching upwards.

Then in January, James Altucher told you why Bitcoin was poised to take off.

Just a few weeks later, the crypto’s price was also setting new records… and is up 45% since James’ broadcast.

So I’m very excited about the team’s latest prediction… even though it’s about one of the world’s most boring metals —


It’s a “base metal,” meaning it’s too common to be considered precious. But it’s also an essential raw material in a countless number of industries.

In fact, Wall Street calls it “Dr. Copper” because its price is such a reliable indicator of economic activity.

Now our technical analysts see a very interesting pattern developing in copper’s price chart.

The metal is currently selling for $4.10 a pound… up 10% from where it was trading a month ago.

Just a little more momentum could send it skyrocketing even higher.

“If it crosses $4.35 per pound,” says our Alan Knuckman, “we’re looking at another buck higher from there.”

That would be $5.35 a pound… putting the base metal in record territory.

The only problem is that there aren’t a lot of easy copper plays for everyday investors.

“It’s a very concentrated market,” says our Greg Guenthner, meaning there are very few mining companies that specialize in copper.

Of the few large pure plays, Greg likes Southern Copper Corp. (SCCO).

Its share price moves with copper’s price, meaning it’s set to move higher, too.

You can either buy the shares or consider trading call options on the stock.

And if our team is right — again! — you could be sitting on some nice profits very soon!

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